Developing Markets

FHA 2018: another great event.  For those unfamiliar, that’s the Foodnhotelasia, Asia’s premiere bi-annual industry trade show.  There is lots of activity happening in the technology scene that is heavy on user experience.  I very quickly noticed data analytics (think dashboards), self-service, surveys, and end-user connectivity are key drivers for growth.  All these growth areas focus on gaining personal insight to our customer’s experience.  This gives us the ability to know where we shop, where we eat, and where we play.  All with the click of a button, and all with the ability to self-serve. And what is one thing that everyone needs and, in many cases, is willing to give you their information for? WiFi access.

My First Access Point

We went on site today to complete the installation of our WiFi authentication portal, analytics engine, and site services to a local customer.  In case you don’t already know, an access point (AP) is a hardware box that is used to create a wireless local area network (WLAN) by connecting to a wireless router (what you get from your internet service provider). AP’s allow users to roam around your facility without service interruptions and can also be used to track usage.